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🚨 NEW FROM NNI BITES, BIG LEARNINGS The latest podcast episode, “Microbiome development in preterm infants,” serves you another big topic from NNI & WNSC Workshop 101 in our bite-sized format. Tune in as our host Prof. Flavia Indrio discusses with the expert Dr. Christopher Stewart about the latest microbiome research in preterm infants, diving into the effects of milk bioactives, specific microbes, and probiotics. 🎙 Catch bi-weekly releases on the NNI website: https://www.nestlenutrition-institute.org/resources/podcasts/details/microbiome-development-preterm-infants 📱 You may also access new episodes on the NNI365 App: https://nes.tl/ra3rr0 #NNI #NestléNutritionInstitute #NNI365 #NNIPodcast #NNIBitesBigLearnings #NNIW101 #WNSC24 #GutMicrobiome

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