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NUK ⭐️ Star Latex Soothers come in a wide variety of neutral colors and patterns, with options for newborn babies and older children. The silicone teat is made with our NUK technology, inspired by the natural shape of the mother's breast; It has a rounded shape at the top and flattened at the bottom, giving more comfort to children's palates. 96% of breastfeeding moms confirm that switching between the breast and the NUK Star Soother is easy! During the day, the button, colors and drawings entertain the baby, and at night, the soft glow in the dark helps little ones to be independent, since they can grab the soother by themselves, without needing help from dad or mom. Pleasant for the little mouth, comfortable, safe and free of BPA! 🛒Available at: Lazada> https://bit.ly/3AMF06c Shopee> https://shopee.com.my/nuk.os #NUKmalaysia #NUKbabymalaysia #GenerasiNUK #nukgeneration #NUKstarlatexsoother

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