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NNI supports World Microbiome Day and the continued advancements in microbiome studies, including key factor influencers and benefits for overall healthy immune development. Watch the video to learn more about the first 1000 days of life as a crucial period which affects life-long microbiome development and its health implications. Emphasis is given on the important role nutrition plays. Nutritional modulators, such as pro-, pre- and synbiotics, can offer opportunities for enhancing gut microbiome maturation and health. Understand more about them here: https://www.nestlenutrition-institute.org/infographics/what-influences-gut-microbiome-different-stages-life Visit the Microbiome Academy to view other interesting topics on the gut microbiota such as on the gut bone axis, and the role of the gut microbiome in improving brain health during ageing: https://www.nestlenutrition-institute.org/nutrition-campus/microbiome-academy #NestléNutritionInstitute #NNI #microbiome #WorldMicrobiomeDay FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS ONLY

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