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Allergic disorders have become the most common chronic disorders affecting both children and adults, with its manifestations influenced by complex interactions of genetic and environmental factors. With protection from allergy being linked to exposure to various factors that have the potential to modulate the early immune system––such microbes and allergens, contact with animals, and many others––what do we need to know about the epidemiology of this widespread disorder? Read this article from Prof. Gary W.K. Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), “Epidemiology of Allergic Disorders – Risk Factors and the Allergic March” through the link below. https://www.nestlenutrition-institute.org/publication-series/epidemiology-allergic-disorders-risk-factors-and-allergic-march#tab-1 #NNI #NestleNutritionInstitute #WorldAllergyWeek

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